Book Title: Dog-Loving Neighbor – Bestiality PDF Journal
Zoophilia Book Info:
File Name: 131 Dog-Loving Neighbor – Bestiality PDF Journal
Format: pdf
Size: 1.85 MB
Total pages: 116
Genre: Animal Sex Book
Description: The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a
veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions.
The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all comers, male and female
alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on the stage with
the girl and performs with her in front of his friends. The couple who, under group
pressure, join the neighborhood wife-swappers.
The girls in this story, Dottie and Mitzi, are two of these outwardly normal people, but,
driven by the need to satisfy long unattended urges, they find within themselves a love
of perversity and depth of passion neither dreamed existed.
DOG-LOVING NEIGHBOR – A fictional story about a society whose real problems
are often shrouded or hidden by a facade of normalcy.
Tags: zoo sex magazines, animal porn magazines, bestiality magazines, zoophilia magazines, dog sex magazines