Book Title: A Curious Pet – Bestiality PDF Journal
Zoophilia Book Info:
File Name: 118 A Curious Pet – Bestiality PDF Journal
Format: pdf
Size: 2.44 MB
Total pages: 124
Genre: Animal Sex Book
Description: Life is not a bowl of cherries.
Despite the attitude of the current generation it is graphed heavily with peaks and
valleys a condition the younger set of today chooses to ignore. There are
disappointments, there are sad moments that all the preparations in the world are not
going to eliminate. Death, war, hunger… are but a few of the things that rise without
warning to strike a pampered, breast-fed generation squarely in the gut. The result? A
generation of apathy.
Why fight back when one can turn on, turn loose, and turn down?
It’s much easier to drop, shoot, or light up, and talk it to death, murmuring long-haired
words of love.
Got a tough exam coming up? Light up and it’ll disappear. Temporarily. Then drop out
and blame the establishment.
Hungry? Rip off your neighborhood supermarket.
Need money? Steal a stick of TNT and blow a safe in the name of peace, of course. Or
better yet, make an easy buck pushing dope. Think of all the "friends" you can teach to
turn on. If all this doesn’t work, OD and all your problems are solved. Easy isn’t it?
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